
This site is used to provide details on features, news and updates for the Garmin for Health, Health Pro and Easy Timer iOS apps.

Health for Garmin and Health Pro provide direct access to the health metrics stored in Garmin Connect. Just enter your Garmin ID and all of the health metrics that you have uploaded from your Tanita weighing scale will be available on your iPhone or iPad.

Easy Timer provides a simple and effective way to perform interval training and exercises. Simply enter the number of repetitions that you want to do, the length of time for your exercise and the length of time to recover. Then click ‘Go’ and follow the onscreen instructions.

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App Date Version
Health for Garmin 21 Oct 2017 7.0 (7.0.1) - approved
Health Pro 19 Oct 2017 6.2 (6.2.0) - approved
Easy Timer 12 Jan 2018 1.1 (1.1.4) - approved